RAY Catalogue 2021 © Catalogue Preview Jonas Deuter


A catalogue for the 4th International Photography Triennial RAY 2021 IDEOLOGIES has been published by Kehrer Verlag 

In addition to the documentation of the art works, essays by the renowned authors Max Czollek, Kémi Fátoba, Rainer Forst, Franziska Kunze, Yasmina Price und Wolfgang Ullrich expand the examination of the very current theme of IDEOLOGIES. The RAY catalogue was made possible by the Dr. Marschner Foundation.

Design: Jonas Deuter, Anna Sukhova

The catalogue is available for purchase at the RAY Photography Festival, the Fotografie Forum Frankfurt, the Museum Angewandte Kunst, the MUSEUM MMK FÜR MODERNE KUNST, in bookshops or through the publishing house Kehrer.
